Current Work
ChildObesity180’s work includes projects and initiatives across the lifespan, addressing the complex drivers of childhood obesity at all stages of life and in the places and spaces where children and adolescents live, learn, and play. In addition, our research seeks to identify, develop, and apply innovative tools and methods to better understand and address the complex factors that influence children’s health and well being.
Catalyzing Communities to Prevent Obesity
Catalyzing Communities develops deep and meaningful relationships with community partners, using facilitation and evaluation techniques grounded in systems science to help them mobilize a core group of multisector leaders to improve the health of their community.
Healthy Ways Replication
ChildObesity180 is partnering with the Harlem Children’s Zone to replicate Healthy Ways, a program empowering youth, families, and the broader community to adopt lifelong, healthy habits.
Kansas Food Policy Council Project
The Kansas Food Policy Council Project is a state-wide evaluation of councils across Kansas. The main goals are to assess the effect that the provision of technical assistance by KC Healthy Kids has on councils and to assess the impact that council-led initiatives are having on community food systems in Kansas.
Research on Active Design in Springfield (R.O.A.D.S.) Study
This study applies a healthy equity lens to determine whether complete streets policies lead to multiple levels of community change, including in the built environment, economic environment, social environment, and health.