Our Approach
Based at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, ChildObesity180 employs a strategic, coordinated, evidenced-based approach to improve the health and well-being of all children in meaningful and lasting ways. As of the science around obesity prevention has evolved, so too has our approach to addressing the epidemic. At ChildObesity180, our work builds on our past experience and success blending rigorous science with business innovation to develop, evaluate, and scale interventions to address childhood obesity and complex factors driving inequities in child health.

- We build innovative, high-impact obesity-prevention initiatives with strong potential for replication at scale.
- We address the complex drivers of health at all stages of life. Our work, which has expanded from a focus on school-aged children in ChildObesity180’s first phase, includes projects and initiatives across the lifespan from pre-conception to age 21. We believe that this expansion best positions us for sustainable impact across the lifespan.
- We rigorously evaluate not only our own work but also the work of external collaborators, helping them optimize their impact while also advancing the science of prevention through partner-engaged research.
- Our work is explicitly and intentionally participatory at all phases, and we engage our partners at all levels in the collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of findings.
- We work with diverse, multi-sector partners to replicate and scale evidence-based obesity-prevention strategies.
- Our approach incorporates innovative tools and methods drawn from business thinking, including systems science, to catalyze sustainable, whole-of- community change.